On March 3, 2010, I had the privilege of participating as a speaker in the Federal Women’s Program special training day, “Writing Women Back Into History.” I got to teach a large lecture hall filled with federal employees how to “put their best word forward” and communicate more effectively in the workplace and in general. The description was:
Put Your Best Word Forward—At Work and Beyond: This workshop will introduce you to the most common grammar, spelling, and other problems that plague written works and offer simple ways to identify and resolve them. You will discuss ways to communicate more effectively in writing at work and in general. If time allows, you will practice these lessons with a fun exercise to help today’s women and men start writing their own histories.
In addition to having a great audience who asked interesting questions, I was honored with a letter of thanks on behalf of Major General Nick Justice and a garrison coin from Colonel Ortiz, the garrison commander for Aberdeen Proving Ground. Everyone, from the guards at the gate to the audience members to the other speakers to the ladies who served us lunch, was so friendly and welcoming. Thank you to Diane Siler, the Federal Women’s Program Manager at RDECOM, for inviting me.
Founder of The Writer’s Ally, Ally E. Machate is a bestselling book collaborator, award-winning editor, and expert publishing consultant who loves using her insider knowledge and experience with the publishing industry to lead serious authors toward success. She and her team live to help make great books happen, whether that means showing a writer how to improve a manuscript, get an agent, or self-publish; or coaching an author on growing her platform to sell more books. Since 1999, she has supported hundreds of authors on their publishing journey and takes pride in serving as their books’ best ally.