It’s an honor to see my article “Author Platforms: Strengthen Your Planks, Market Your Book” on the Self-Publishing-Coach blog by Shelley Hitz.
Having a strong author platform is so important to successfully market your book, and in this article, I give a few tips on how to build an platform that makes an impact.
On her blog, Shelley shares her strategies for self-publishing authors who need help and motivation for pursuing their dream of publishing a book. The blog features article, tutorials, reviews, and recommendations that take you step-by-step through the self-publishing process and help you find additional resources for your project. She is the author of the Book Marketing on a Shoestring Budget Series, which is comprised of special reports written especially for self-publishing authors, and several other reports that show authors how to market themselves on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and through teleseminars, podcasts, and press releases. Learn more about her products at
Founder of The Writer’s Ally, Ally E. Machate is a bestselling book collaborator, award-winning editor, and expert publishing consultant who loves using her insider knowledge and experience with the publishing industry to lead serious authors toward success. She and her team live to help make great books happen, whether that means showing a writer how to improve a manuscript, get an agent, or self-publish; or coaching an author on growing her platform to sell more books. Since 1999, she has supported hundreds of authors on their publishing journey and takes pride in serving as their books’ best ally.