Our very own Ally Machate will be speaking for the MWA Frederick County Chapter members on July 18, 2020 at 1:00pm. This will be a virtual meeting and you must register beforehand to get access to the webinar.
Ally will talk about the process of going “From Shy to Sold: Querying, Proposing, and Getting Your Book Published.”
You’ve experienced the satisfaction of working hard to learn a craft and producing a quality piece of writing—but now what? If you ever want anyone to read your work outside of your immediate circle of family and friends, you’ll need to get published. Though self-publishing is always an option, this talk focuses on how writers generally approach the submission process. Find out who really decides what gets published, how to approach them without getting the proverbial door slammed in your face, and what these gatekeepers expect from you besides your very best work.
You’ll also get tips that will make your queries and proposals more effective for best results.
Don’t miss out, register today!
For more information, you may contact chapter president Kari Martindale at mwafcpresident@marylandwriters.org
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