I write and speak often to writers about author platforms. I teach them what a platform is, why it’s important for book sales, and how to go about building one. I explain the notion of “planks” and how agents and publishers evaluate them when considering your project for a book deal; I share insight into how platforms play a role in self-publishing, too. My complimentary white paper on author platforms tells you a lot you’ll need to know to successfully publish a book in today’s publishing environment (get it free here), but this latest article, “Building a Professional Platform: A Brief Overview” from my friend and colleague Angela Render makes an excellent companion to my own report—and I’m not just saying that because she quotes me in the article.
Angela gives a comprehensive overview of the most popular platform-building methods (with special attention to those you can take advantage of for little or no cost online) as well as a look at some important considerations when developing your book’s marketing plan. The article was sent to members of the Association of Writers and Writing Programs Job List only but you can read a PDF of the article now via Angela’s Monday blog post.
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