Our very own Ally Machate will be sharing how to “Polish Your Work for Publication” via the California Writer’s Club – Mt. Diablo Branch Meeting on November 13th. Join us to explore the most common problems that plague written works and identify simple yet effective ways to resolve them.
Whether you plan to self-publish or publish traditionally, understanding how to get your manuscript perfect or as close to perfect as possible is very important. Ally will explain why it is essential for your manuscript to be correctly formatted and well written BEFORE submission. She will also discuss identifying and resolving common issues that impact manuscripts, such as ineffective nouns and verbs, inauthentic dialogue, and passive voice. Ally will also include why it’s essential for all writers, especially beginners, to seek objective feedback on their work and tell you how to get it.
The Mt. Diablo California Writers Club Branch is dedicated to educating members and the public, via speakers, workshops, and special programs, in the art and craft of writing, publishing, and marketing their works. They encourage members to dedicate themselves to their writing, support each other’s work and publishing successes at all levels and embrace a positive spirit of cooperation
The meeting will be offered virtually and in person. Click here to register.
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