Every late September/early October I travel down to Historic St. Mary’s City with my husband to help populate the site’s Grand Militia Muster, a wonderful 17th century event that draws a nice crowd and usually some great weather. I look forward to the trip because of the beautiful setting and an opportunity to camp, but this year I was able to make an even longer weekend out of it and do one more fun thing than usual! While in southern Maryland, I presented at the Maryland Writer’s Association St. Mary’s County Chapter meeting September 28, 2015 at 7PM, at the Leonardtown Library. I gave my frequently requested talk, “Pitching, Querying, and Proposing: How Authors Go from Shy to Sold.”
Though self-publishing is always an option, my talk focused on how writers generally approach the submission process. The participants found out who really decides what gets published, how to approach them without getting the proverbial door slammed in your face, and what these gatekeepers expect from you besides your very best work. They also got tips that made their pitches, queries, and proposals more effective for best results.
When I approached Ally about speaking to the St. Mary’s County Chapter of the Maryland Writers’ Association, she responded promptly, positively, and enthusiastically. In addition, she kindly and willingly accommodated my request to change topics about a month prior to her scheduled talk. Her talk was informative and engaging. As secretary of our chapter, I would happily book her for another talk. —Wendy Kibler, Secretary, MWA St. Mary’s
I want to thank Wendy Kibler for inviting me, and chapter President Linda Stewart and the rest of MWA St. Mary’s for having me.
For more information on local chapters, meetings, and membership, please visit the Maryland Writer’s Association website at: http://marylandwriters.org/
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