Nan Reinhardt, a published romance writer and freelance copyeditor and proofreader, invited me to contribute an article to her blog last week. I wrote “Why Fiction Writers Need Editors,” offering four reasons why fiction writers should hire an experienced editor to critically analyze their manuscripts, identify problems, and offer suggestions on how to fix them. Although authors are sometimes very capable proofreaders, they’re not nearly as objective in reviewing their own work as an outside reader would be, and neither are their friends and family. To give a book its best chance at success in a world where millions of new titles are published each year, a good editor can make all the difference. I also offered what I believe is the best alternative to hiring a professional editor, if your budget isn’t as grand as your publishing ambitions!
Nan has been a writer almost all her life and has been a freelance copyeditor and proofreader for the last fifteen years. She has completed three novels, one of which, Rule Number One, is contracted for publication with Siren-BookStrand and due to launch in February 2012. She has two others, The Music Is You and Like Fine Wine, that are awaiting a publisher. Nan is proud to be represented by Maureen Walters at Curtis Brown Literary Agency, New York, NY. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America, the Indiana RWA, the Editorial Freelancers Association, Indy Publishing Freelancers Network, and the Freelancers Union. Read more about her work and her experiences at
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