If you want to keep the jobs coming, you’ve got to work your connections. I think of my network as a giant, ever-growing tree. Like a tree, networks are organic entities that need care and attention. They get bigger and wider, but sometimes a branch dies. Sometimes you need to prune a few twigs for a stronger overall result. But if you nurture your network tree, it will give you a career-full of contacts, paid work, new opportunities, and even friends. This article tells you how it works.
My article “Nurture Your Networking Tree” appeared in the May 2011 issue of The Writer magazine.
Founder of The Writer’s Ally, Ally E. Machate is a bestselling book collaborator, award-winning editor, and expert publishing consultant who loves using her insider knowledge and experience with the publishing industry to lead serious authors toward success. She and her team live to help make great books happen, whether that means showing a writer how to improve a manuscript, get an agent, or self-publish; or coaching an author on growing her platform to sell more books. Since 1999, she has supported hundreds of authors on their publishing journey and takes pride in serving as their books’ best ally.
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