So many writing conferences are heavily weighted toward novelists and memoirists. Not this one. Join Ally and the Nonfiction Authors Association for the 9th annual Nonfiction Writers Conference, happening May 8-10, 2019. Cheryl Richardson, New York Times bestselling author and frequent Oprah guest, will give the opening keynote. Additional sessions cover how to write, publish, promote, and profit with nonfiction books. Best of all, this event is completely virtual—all sessions are conducted via webinar—no travel is required!
Our very own Ally Machate will be delivering her popular presentation, “Sell More Books with a Street Team.” What is a street team? How do you work with one to sell more books? That’s exactly what you’ll learn on May 9th at 12pm Eastern if you attend Ally’s talk.
Though a lot of our marketing efforts have moved online, many authors still use a “street team” to help promote their books. This collaborative effort can be a powerful way to boost your signal! In this presentation, you’ll learn what a street team is, how to assemble and coordinate the right team for your book, and some best practices and tips on how to leverage this tactic effectively.
In addition to learning from a fantastic line-up of expert speakers, attendees can:
- Participate in Ask-a-Pro sessions, complimentary one-on-one consultations with literary agents, publishing and marketing pros, and other industry experts (delivered by phone or Skype).
- Access a private, attendees-only Facebook group.
- Download bonus material, available as soon as you register.
- Receive event replay recordings (audio and video) and typed transcripts, depending on the registration level you choose.
- Add membership in the Nonfiction Authors Association, depending on the registration level you choose.
The conference runs May 8-10, 2019, 9am PDT/ 12pm EDT through 3pm PDT/ 6pm EDT each day.
Are you ready to accelerate your author career? Join us for this one-of-a-kind event!To register or for more details, click here.
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