Our very own Ally Machate will be teaching attendees How to Sell More Books in 2021 via webinar during the Women in Publishing Summit. Come join us March 1-8, 2021 for a wild ride full of content-rich programming, supportive community hobnobbing, and more.
When you have big dreams, the right plan is essential. You don’t want to just try every book marketing tactic you read about and “see what sticks.” You can’t copy other authors and expect the same results. And if you don’t have the right pieces in place first—if you don’t have a strong “conversion funnel” turning browsers into buyers into subscribers who buy your future books—your promotional efforts will never create the results you desire, regardless. This talk will reveal the 3 best ways to start selling more books, with steps you can take right away. It will also help you avoid the biggest mistakes that can keep book sales at a slow trickle, explain what an effective (and simple!) book marketing plan can look like, and offer tips on creating your immediate plan without overwhelm.
The Women in Publishing Summit is the biggest event for women in the publishing industry. Authors, editors, publishers, marketers – it covers everything from why to write a book to the hows, to the launch, and the business of being an author. Culminating on International Women’s Day, we celebrate, empower, encourage, and support women writers and professionals in the publishing industry.
To register, click here.